Light - Water - Vortices
Unrestrained by weight or tangibility, light can instantaneously flood a space bathing all objects within. Cast your gaze on a surface bathed in light and you may gather an impression not limited to the surface but a sense of weight, structure, malleability, perhaps temperature may reveal itself.
"The eye that gathers impressions is no longer the eye that sees a depiction on a surface; it becomes a hand, the ray of light becomes a finger and the imagination becomes a form of immediate touching." (Herder, 1778)
Perhaps the imagination is beckoned to seek beyond what is visible on the surface by the very limitation of light and surface interaction. What happens when the imagination is momentarily stripped of this limitation? Water permits the viewer to see right past its surface and into its body circumventing the need to imagine what may lie beyond. By revealing what is beyond the surface, the mind is momentarily freed from its task and permitted to wonder. But water holds yet another spell over us; it can shift in form as it ebbs and flows oscillating between states of clarity and opacity. A vortex is created when two currents of water moving in opposite directions meet. A vortex can conjure up shifting and flaring light as if momentarily overcoming matter as if to reveal some greater insight into the fabric of the universe.
Circini is a collection of table, floor, wall and pendant lamps. Each lamp in the collection features a whirlpool formation captured in mouth blown glass and is illuminated centrally from the top with and Led emitter.